Actions on Google Developer Challenge

Actions on Google Developer Challenge

The Actions on Google Developer contest is an opportunity for you to turn your inspiration into action by building apps for the Google Assistant on Google Home, select Android devices, and the iPhone.




31 Aug 2017


First prize
- A trip to Google’s Headquarters in Mountain View, California
- Tickets to Google I/O 2018.
- You’ll get to explore the Google campus, enjoy their delicious food and meet the Google Assistant team.
- $10,000 along with serious bragging rights.

Second prize
- $7,500
- A Google Home device

Third prize
- $5,000
- A Google Home device

Best app by students: $5,000 and a Google Home device
Crowd favourite: $5,000 and a Google Home device
Best Easter egg: $1,500
Most fun distraction: $2,500 and a Google-branded item of clothing, bag, or similar personal item, at Google's discretion
Best sound effects: $1,500
Best persona: $2,500 and a Google-branded item of clothing, bag, or similar personal item, at Google's discretion
Best voice-only interaction: $2,500 and a Google-branded item of clothing, bag, or similar personal item, at Google's discretion
Best parenting app: $5,000 and a Google Home device
Most adaptive app: $2,500 and a Google-branded item of clothing, bag, or similar personal item, at Google's discretion
Best life hack. $5,000 and a Google Home device
Best DashBot powered app: $5,000
Best app: $5,000
Best API.AI app: $5,000


Only new apps submitted for approval after May 17, 2017 are eligible.

Note that while some organisers may accept applications from all around the world, you may still be required to travel to the host country in order to take part in the later stages of a competition for instance, or you may be required to live there for a period of time to take part in a funded programme (e.g. scholarship, incubator, accelerator).

Multiple host countries may mean that no travel is required.


Credit: Actions on Google Developer Challenge 

Date Added: 8 Jun 2017

Tags:    Code   Google

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