In the framework of the 2017 edition of the Africa Finance & Investment Forum (AFIF) and to encourage sustainable development, economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa, EMRC will present the "AFIF Entrepreneurship Award 2017", offering a financial contribution and exposure/visibility to an African SME for a project with good impact.
19 Dec 2016
The AFIF 2017 winner will receive
A US$10,000.00 award
Yearlong media promotion, both in and out of Africa, with the support of EMRC.
Finalists will get the following benefits:
The opportunity to present their projects during the AFIF 2017 to a wide audience of potential African and international partners and investors.
Free attendance to the AFIF 2017 with the full conference package:
2 days Pre-conference Workshop on Entrepreneurship
2 days Business Forum including Plenary and Parallel Sessions.
Access to pre-arranged B2B meetings (2 afternoons).
EMRC set of conference materials.
Half Page Company Profile in AFIF 2017 Catalogue.
Access to the Forum Catalogue with participant & speaker details.
Welcome Cocktail; Gala Dinner; Lunches & coffee breaks.
EMRC consular (VISA) assistance for the Forum.
Media coverage before and during the AFIF 2017 event.
Credit: AFIF Entrepreneurship Award 2017
Date Added: 26 Nov 2016
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