AFIF Entrepreneurship Award 2017

AFIF Entrepreneurship Award 2017

In the framework of the 2017 edition of the Africa Finance & Investment Forum (AFIF) and to encourage sustainable development, economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa, EMRC will present the "AFIF Entrepreneurship Award 2017", offering a financial contribution and exposure/visibility to an African SME for a project with good impact.




19 Dec 2016


The AFIF 2017 winner will receive
A US$10,000.00 award
Yearlong media promotion, both in and out of Africa, with the support of EMRC.

Finalists will get the following benefits:
The opportunity to present their projects during the AFIF 2017 to a wide audience of potential African and international partners and investors.
Free attendance to the AFIF 2017 with the full conference package:
2 days Pre-conference Workshop on Entrepreneurship
2 days Business Forum including Plenary and Parallel Sessions.
Access to pre-arranged B2B meetings (2 afternoons).
EMRC set of conference materials.
Half Page Company Profile in AFIF 2017 Catalogue.
Access to the Forum Catalogue with participant & speaker details.
Welcome Cocktail; Gala Dinner; Lunches & coffee breaks.
EMRC consular (VISA) assistance for the Forum.
Media coverage before and during the AFIF 2017 event.

Note that while some organisers may accept applications from all around the world, you may still be required to travel to the host country in order to take part in the later stages of a competition for instance, or you may be required to live there for a period of time to take part in a funded programme (e.g. scholarship, incubator, accelerator).

Multiple host countries may mean that no travel is required.


Credit: AFIF Entrepreneurship Award 2017 

Date Added: 26 Nov 2016

Tags:    AFIF   Entrepreneur


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