BBC World News Komla Dumor Award

BBC World News Komla Dumor Award

(Updated 3 Feb 2022) The 2022 BBC World News Komla Dumor Award will be made to an outstanding individual living and working in Africa, who combines strong journalism skills, on air flair, and an exceptional talent in telling African stories with the ambition and potential to become a star of the future.




16 Feb 2022


The winner of the 2022 BBC World News Komla Dumor award will receive a once-in-a-lifetime training and development opportunity with the BBC in London, starting in early September 2022 and running for three months. Working with teams from across BBC News, the winner will produce an African story for the BBC and have their story and their voice shared across the continent and the world. They will be supported by a high-level BBC mentor and attend courses run by the BBC’s world-class training department, the BBC Academy.

The BBC will pay for the winner’s flights to and from the United Kingdom and for their visa. The BBC will also arrange and pay for the winner’s accommodation in London during their placement. The winner will receive £2,000 per month for the three month placement to cover their living expenses and a one-off payment of £5,000 as a contribution towards loss of salary in their home country.


United Kingdom

Note that while some organisers may accept applications from all around the world, you may still be required to travel to the host country in order to take part in the later stages of a competition for instance, or you may be required to live there for a period of time to take part in a funded programme (e.g. scholarship, incubator, accelerator).


Credit: BBC World News Komla Dumor Award 

Date Added: 24 Feb 2018

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