British Council Alumni Awards 2017-18

British Council Alumni Awards 2017-18

This is a call for applications for the 2017-18 Alumni Awards organised by the British Council. The Alumni Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of alumni and showcase the impact and value of a UK higher education. Award winners and finalists are leaders in their fields who have used their experience of studying at a UK university to make a positive contribution to their communities, professions and countries.




2 Oct 2017


The awards operate on three levels: national, regional and global awards. There are three award categories at each award level. These are:

Professional Achievement Award – recognising UK alumni who have distinguished themselves through exemplary leadership and achievements in their professional industry, and who can demonstrate the impact and scale of their achievements in their profession, and beyond.

Entrepreneurial Award – recognising UK alumni who are active in initiating or contributing to innovative new business opportunities that have the potential for strong growth.

Social Impact Award – recognising UK alumni who have made an exceptional contribution and commitment to creating positive social change and improving the lives of others.

Finalists and winners at all levels (national, regional and global) will benefit from their global profile being made more visible through press and publicity opportunities, and building their professional networks.

The three Global Alumni Award winners will be celebrated digitally and will win return flights to the United Kingdom while there take part in a professional networking opportunity in Summer 2018.


October & November 2017
Shortlisting of applications for national level Alumni Awards, and announcement of national-level finalists

November 2017 to February 2018
National Alumni Award ceremonies (in selected countries)

March 2018
Regional Alumni Awards

April 2018
Global Alumni Awards

Note that while some organisers may accept applications from all around the world, you may still be required to travel to the host country in order to take part in the later stages of a competition for instance, or you may be required to live there for a period of time to take part in a funded programme (e.g. scholarship, incubator, accelerator).

Multiple host countries may mean that no travel is required.


Credit: British Council Alumni Awards 2017-18 

Date Added: 4 Jul 2017

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