The Google Impact Challenge Kenya empowers Kenyans to drive community impact. This competition supports nonprofits and social enterprises with game-changing ideas to create economic opportunity in their communities. Local innovators are invited to propose how they would make their community – and beyond – an even better place. It is the first time this contest is holding in Kenya.
4 Jul 2018
12 finalists will be invited to pitch their ideas to a panel of Judges at a final event.
The Judges will select three Challenge winners from these finalists,
The people's choice winner from a prior public vote will be announced.
Each of the four winners will receive a $250,000 grant and training from Google. will pair each winner with a package including strategic support and Google volunteers.
The remaining 8 finalists will receive a $125,000 grant, as well as access to mentorship and resources.
Credit: Google Impact Challenge Kenya
Date Added: 1 Jun 2018
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