The Biomedical Catalyst awards fund innovative solutions to healthcare challenges. The aim of the late stage award is to test a well-developed concept and show its effectiveness in a relevant environment.
31 May 2017
They have allocated up to £12,000,000 (12 million pounds) to fund innovation projects in this competition.
For industrial research you could get:
- up to 70% of your eligible project costs if you are a micro or small business
- up to 60% if you are a medium-sized business
For experimental development projects that are nearer to market, you could get:
- up to 45% of your eligible project costs if you are a micro or small business
- up to 35% if you are a medium-sized business
Projects are expected to last from 12 to 36 months. Projects must start by 1 February 2018 and end by 1 February 2021. Total project costs are expected to range in size from £250,000 to £4,000,000.
Briefing event for applicants: Tuesday 4 April 2017
Registration deadline: Midday on Wednesday 31 May 2017
Application deadline: Midday on Wednesday 7 June 2017
Credit: Biomedical catalyst 2017 Funding competition (Round 2 late stage)
Date Added: 29 Apr 2017
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