Development of Innovative Technology to Measure Individual Dietary Intake (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) 2016

Development of Innovative Technology to Measure Individual Dietary Intake (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) 2016

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is requesting for proposals for the Development of innovative imaging or other technologies to measure individuals’ dietary intakes.




22 Jul 2016


Funding up to: $1,500,000.

Proposals will be selected for funding in a two-phase process:
a) an open / public call to solicit brief Concept Memo submissions, including an opportunity for applicants to submit clarifying questions, followed by

b) a private request for proposal process with selected
finalists who will be invited to submit a full detailed proposal package with proposal narrative, budget, and results framework.


June 13, 2016: Call open for concept notes

August 29, 2016: Finalists notified; private invitation for request for full proposal distributed to finalists.

September 23, 2016: Deadline for full proposal submissions from finalists

December 2016 / January 2017:Awards announced.

Note that while some organisers may accept applications from all around the world, you may still be required to travel to the host country in order to take part in the later stages of a competition for instance, or you may be required to live there for a period of time to take part in a funded programme (e.g. scholarship, incubator, accelerator).

Multiple host countries may mean that no travel is required.


Credit: Development of Innovative Technology to Measure Individual Dietary Intake (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) 2016 

Date Added: 21 Jun 2016

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