Grand Challenges Africa - Innovation Seed Grants (Round 1)

Grand Challenges Africa - Innovation Seed Grants (Round 1)

The African Academy of Sciences - Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AAS-AESA) is launching two new grants issued and administered under the banner of Grand Challenges (GC) Africa programme implemented in partnership with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Round 1 is a joint initiative of the GC Africa partners and Institut Pasteur of Paris (IP). The challenges are:

1) Providing new impetus and solutions and strategies to help Africa meet the SDG 3 target for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH).

2) Creative approaches to engage the public, and inspire policy and decision makers to increase investment in African Research & Development.




17 Feb 2017


Phase I Funding: Funded up to $100,000 per two-year project. These awards are meant to provide an opportunity to test particularly bold, proof of concept ideas, including applying approaches from outside the fields indicated for this call. New approaches could be piloted as additions to ongoing projects.

Phase II funding: Winners of Phase I grants will have an opportunity to apply for follow-on, phase II funding in future but please note that support for phase II funding is NOT part of this call. It is expected that successful projects funded at Phase I by GC Africa, and by their partners BMGF and Grand Challenges Canada (GCC), and which demonstrate promising results, will have the opportunity to apply for Phase II funding either to GC Africa or directly to the other partners.


November 17, 2016 Application Period Opens
March 2017 Application Review Completed
April 2017 Decision Committee Meeting
June 2017 Selections Completed and Notifications Sent
July - October 2017 Grant Making and Awards Announcement

Note that while some organisers may accept applications from all around the world, you may still be required to travel to the host country in order to take part in the later stages of a competition for instance, or you may be required to live there for a period of time to take part in a funded programme (e.g. scholarship, incubator, accelerator).

Multiple host countries may mean that no travel is required.


Credit: Grand Challenges Africa - Innovation Seed Grants (Round 1) 

Date Added: 23 Nov 2016

Tags:    Innovation

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