This call is for applications for the Entrepreneur First EF8 London Batch. Entrepreneur First supports engineers and computer scientists to build world-class tech companies from scratch.
31 Dec 2016
They fund you as an individual, then help you meet your cofounder and develop an idea, aiming to give you everything you need to have the best shot at building a world-class technology company.
EF pays a stipend to every individual who joins and invests in the company you form later on. The stipend is designed to cover all accommodation and maintenance costs you encounter during your time on the programme. Their partnerships with leading service providers also provides cohort members with over $1m worth of discounts which means that there are virtually no large company outgoings in the first six months.
They aim to make EF accessible regardless of your financial situation.They may also be able to offer a scholarship which provides additional financial aid.
There are two possible start dates for the programmes — March and September. The next cohort is EF8 and kicks off late-March 2017, followed by EF9 which starts in mid-September 2017.
Credit: Entrepreneur First London EF8 Batch
Date Added: 9 Nov 2016
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