The XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion is a competition that will incentivize teams from around the world to produce chicken breast or fish fillet alternatives that replicate or outperform conventional chicken and fish in: access, environmental sustainability, animal welfare, nutrition and health, as well as taste and texture.
28 Apr 2021
Semifinalist Teams will split a prize purse of $500,000 (USD) to help offset costs associated with early solution development and for upcoming travel to Semifinal Testing locations.
Up to ten Finalist Teams will split a prize purse of $2,500,000 (USD) and proceed to Final Testing.
A Grand Prize Purse of $10,000,000 (USD) will be awarded to the teams whose solutions receive the highest scores following the final round of the competition.
A Bonus Prize of $2,000,000 (USD) will be given to the team that consistently produces multiple units of animal-origin-free growth media at the lowest production cost.
Note: A registration fee of $1,000 (USD) is required.
February 17, 2021: Early Registration deadline. After this date the registration fee increases to $1,500 (USD).
Credit: XPRIZE Feed the Next Billion
Date Added: 4 Jan 2021
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