The XPRIZE Rainforest is a five-year competition to enhance our understanding of the rainforest ecosystem. It will accelerate the innovation of autonomous technologies needed for biodiversity assessment and will enhance our understanding of rainforest ecosystems by using rapid data integration to provide new wisdom about the forest as well as inspire new investment and exploration. The XPRIZE Rainforest will reveal the true potential of the standing forest, accelerating the development of new, just, and sustainable bioeconomies.
15 Jun 2022
There will be $10,000,000 (10 million USD) in total prize purses available:
Finals Prize Purse of $7,500,000 (Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand USD to be divided among the top-ranking Teams in the following way:
First Place Award: $5,000,000 (Five Million USD)
Second Place Award: $2,000,000 (Two Million USD)
Third Place Awards: $500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand USD)
Bonus Prize Purse of $250,000 (Two Hundred Fifty Thousand USD) that may be awarded at the Judging Panel’s discretion to one or more Finalist Teams whose Solutions demonstrate groundbreaking achievements.
Semifinals Prize Purse of $2,000,000 (Two Million USD) to be shared equally among all Teams (up to 10) selected as Finalists.
Milestone Prize Purse of $250,000 (Two Hundred Fifty Thousand USD) to be shared equally among all Teams (up to 25) selected as Semifinalists.
Note: A registration fee is required.
15 October 2020: Early Registration deadline. After this date the registration fee increases from $500 USD to $1,000.
16 October 2020 - 15 March 2021: Regular Registration Period. Registration fee - $1,000 USD
16 Mar 2021 - 15 June 2022: Discretionary Late Registration Deadline. XPRIZE has sole discretion to register and qualify additional teams during this period. Teams that register during this period must meet all the initial requirements and pay a late registration fee of $1,500 USD.
The competition will take place in three rounds over five years. Following the competition, an additional year will be devoted to amplifying the impacts of the Rainforest XPRIZE.
Credit: XPRIZE Rainforest Competition
Date Added: 30 Jan 2021
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